
“Inhabiting my body as my home.

Awakening its intelligence and potential in motion.

Rooting myself in states of receptivity and presence, accessing and refining my intuitive knowing.

Playing and exploring while questioning.

Merging in the play of elemental and physical forces, within and without.

Expressing my sensual being, my inner landscapes, sounds, rhythms, and melodies. Embodying my creative imagination, composing and evoking.

Expanding my capacity for understanding, communicating, and creating with others.

Being silent, in trust.

Within the limit and beyond it.

Being motion.”

“I love using movement and music as tools for research, learning, and creating.

Through them, I can access and integrate wider and deeper fields of understanding and being.

I share this practice by offering others the possibility to meet themselves in more authentic and empowered states,

and express their own qualities and creative potential, both individually and together.

Just like in a never-ending dance, my life unfolds, and this practice constantly amazes and nourishes me, as a true gift.”